Sunday, September 29, 2013

June 24, 2013

Yeah sooo a lot stuff has happened in the last week... Between "planned" miracles and just the most mind blowing random miracles ever.... Yeah interesting week ha

Well Elder Martinez and I are getting along very well. He is a super hard worker and like all young missionaries he doesn't understand anything... SO I have to step up my game a TON. I have to ALWAYS listen. Its been a bad habit of mine before to only listen during "my part" of the lesson and let my senor companion do the rest... Yeah its very different to be leading lessons now. I have gained sooooooooooooooooooooo much respect for Elder Ward putting up with me because I was not a good baby in all honesty. Elder Martinez works hard so I am glad and I help him a lot with his Chinese hopefully it will progress quickly. I don't remember it being like that... but of course I know it totally sounded like that when I got here. Weird to see such a dramatic change in under a year.

About me hitting my year mark (July 5th) not really that big of a deal. I will probably finish my mission next August so I still have 14 months left!!! THAT IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FREAKING LONG. Haha me and Elder Brown (he has 10 months left) make" trunkie" jokes all the time then he is like I got 10 and you got a WHOLE extra 4! haha its funny -- it annoys our babies :)

Yeah so the humidity/heat here is AMAZING it will blow your mind when you visit. Its normally around 29 - 33C and 75% or higher humidity EVERYDAY! OHHHH my I am always wet... Always... and so is Elder Martinez... I will keep losing weight with how much I sweat...

So time for the cool missionary stuff!

So we have a decent pool of investigators by no means a large one. We are still teaching David and Peter, they are friends with a baptismal date of 7/7/2013. I am 100% sure Peter will get baptized not 100% sure about David because his parents are against it. Last Tuesday Kiko (my old investigator in CWB) got baptized (I got to be a witness super awesome) and we took Peter with us. He LOVED it and is super stoked about his baptism! So that was our "planned" miracle. 
The one that blew my mind was our less active find. So I was trying to schedule this PM family through the mum's phone her name is Sis Jang but she NEVER answered. So I went through the YW to find her daughter and there was only one with the same Jang character so I called her (her name is Phoebe). I tried to schedule her and her family but she said they were to busy. Then we started talking and found out she wanted to go to BYUH and asked if I could help her study some English (always a good way to help Chinese people they love it). She said yes and said she would bring a friend!! I was like YESSS A REFERRAL!!! Then next Thursday comes and we are waiting for Phoebe and her friend. Then this random girl comes in and asks if I am ngaaih jeunglouh.... I had no idea who she was because I was expecting Phoebe Jang (this active 17 year old in the ward). Well it turns out this girl has the SAME LAST NAME CHARACTER AND ENGLISH FIRST NAME.... WHAT ARE THE FREAKING ODDS OF THAT.... absolutely ZERO. NO WAY that happened on accident! She was super nice and we (us, Phoebe and her friend) hit it off, it was awesome. We even invited them to church and THEY CAME! The ward welcomed her back with open arms and her friend as well.. LITERALLY a mind blowing miracle... There was NO WAY that that happened on accident...

Just crazy...

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